The Allergist Episode 25 – When to Bee Concerned: Myths and Realities of Venom Allergies
“History, history, skin test or serum IgE, and then consider doing the other test just to round out your testing until you’re sure you’ve detected everything you need to detect.”
– Dr. David Golden
As the leaves begin to fall, and the wasps begin to invade every patio lunch, Dr. Mariam Hanna sits down with Dr. David Golden, a leading expert on venom allergies and retired associate professor from Johns Hopkins. Together, they explore the swarm of complexities surrounding venom immunotherapy, from the nuances of diagnosis to emerging treatments on the horizon.
In this episode:
- Understanding venom allergies: The basics and beyond
- Large local reactions vs. systemic reactions: What’s the real risk?
- The role of skin testing vs. serum IgE in diagnosing venom allergies
- Venom immunotherapy: How effective is it, really?
- Emerging trends and treatments in venom allergy management
- Practical advice for managing venom allergies
Prepare to get the buzz on everything venom-related in this insightful conversation. Tune in now!
Posted on September 3, 2024.