Patient and School Resources
Helpful resources to become more educated on various allergic and immunological conditions that are commonly confronting students and the public today.
On this page, you’ll find resources to help you become educated on various allergic and immunological conditions that are commonly confronting students and the public today.
If you, your students or someone you love is affected by allergies or immunological conditions, you should take the time to read publications below to become informed about best practices, sample policies and emergency plans to help individuals, schools and organizations develop effective management strategies for reactions and other consequences of these conditions.
Always consult a physician in concert with staying informed about treatment tools and procedures for these afflictions.
The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI) advances allergy, asthma and immunology knowledge to optimize patient care across Canada. These publications will be revised as necessary to incorporate new information based on the latest research.
Early Introduction to Allergens
The CSACI and Food Allergy Canada have developed a detailed FAQ document for parents on early introduction. These FAQs are based on the CPS’ updated recommendations on the specific timing of early introduction of allergenic foods for high-risk infants, and reviewed by Canadian allergists.
To learn more about the Avoidance of the Top 10 Food Allergies-Canada Online Pamphlets, click here.

School Resources
Anaphylaxis in Schools & Other Settings
Developed by Food Allergy Canada and Leap Learning Technologies Inc. in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, this manual includes key recommendations, based on the latest research, for the management and treatment of anaphylaxis in the community.
Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan with EpiPen®, ALLERJECT & Emerade™ instructions*
*Accessible versions/AODA Compliant
*Version accessible et respectant la Loi de 2005 sur I’accessibilite pour les personnes handicapees de I’Ontario
Important Instructions – ENGLISH
- The Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan with Epinephrine Auto-injector instructions fillable. You can download, fill in and save your information OR print a copy and add your information by hand.If you are using it as a fillable form, remember to download and save the file first before entering information. Do not complete the form within your browser as information will not be saved.
- You can use Adobe Acrobat to add an image (.jpeg, .png, etc. or Adobe Acrobat Reader to add an image ( pdf only) to the “PHOTO”box of the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan.To do so, please follow the instructions related to the Adobe software version you are using. Alternatively, you can print the completed form and attach a photo to this box.
Important instructions -FRANCAIS
- Le plan d’urgence pour l’anaphylaxie est un formulaire remplissable à l’écran. Vous pouvez
télécharger le document, le remplir et sauvegarder
vos renseignements ou en imprimer un exemplaire,
pour ensuite le remplir à la main.Si vous choisissez de remplir le formulaire à l’écran,
n’oubliez pas de télécharger et de sauvegarder le
fichier avant de saisir vos renseignements. Ne
remplissez pas ce formulaire à partir de votre
navigateur; vos renseignements ne seront pas
enregistrés. - Il est possible d’utiliser d’Adobe Acrobat pour ajouter
une image (.jpeg, .png, etc.) ou Adobe Acrobat
Reader pour ajouter une image (.pdf seulement) dans
l’encadré « PHOTO » du plan d’urgence pour
l’anaphylaxie prévu à cet effet.Pour ce faire, veuillez suivre les instructions associées
à la version du logiciel Adobe que vous utilisez. Vous
pouvez également imprimer le formulaire dûment
rempli et apposer une photo dans l’encadré.
Think F.A.S.T. Posters
Free Education Courses for Daycare, Communities and Schools is a website with free access to online anaphylaxis courses developed to help people prevent, recognize and manage potentially life-threatening allergic reactions in the community.
Anaphylaxis in Schools
For teachers, administrators and other school personnel, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks in a school setting, and the recommended emergency treatment.
Anaphylaxis in the Community
For people with potentially life-threatening allergies, their families, caregivers and others, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks at home and other places, and the recommended emergency treatment.
Anaphylaxis in Child Care Settings
For child care staff/caregivers, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks in a centre- or home-based child care setting, and the recommended emergency treatment.